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Blue Opal

In this article about Blue Opal, we will first tell you about the history of the Blue Opal, introduce you to the different characteristics of this gemstone, describe and explain the healing properties and uses, and we will end this article by explaining its price and how to recognize this gemstone.

Here is what we will talk about in the rest of this article:

What is a Blue Opal gemstone?

Over the course of history, people have revered opals for their ethereal beauty and their healing properties. With a variety of vibrant hues to choose from (including black), they’re the perfect accessory. Blue Opal, on the other hand, is one of our favorites because of its unusual hue, relaxing vibrations, and calming symbolism.

It is an amorphous mineraloid in the scientific sense. This simply implies that it lacks the organized atomic structure seen in quartz or feldspar. Blue Opal, like other opals, has a significant amount of water. As a result, it is rather delicate and easily damaged. Indeed, it has a Mohs hardness of between five and six (which is useful to know if you have it in your jewelry).

This stone is found in a variety of locations across the globe, including Australia, Mexico, and Slovakia. Several species are also present in Africa and Asia. In one part of the Peruvian Andes, you may find a very renowned kind of Blue Opal.. Indeed, this is Peru’s national stone!

If you wish to use Blue Opals in your crystal healing practice, be wary of imitations on the market and only purchase from a trustworthy retailer. True Blue Opals may have minute fern-like inclusions and have a somewhat uniform tint. An easy method to tell whether something is a fake is by its uneven coloration. Look into Opalite and Blue Opal before you buy.

They thought that Zeus’s tears made Blue Opal, and the Romans thought that different gods made each color in the opal. Once famed for its healing properties, the Blue Opal has fallen out of favor at different points throughout history.

Blue Opal meaning

Blue Opal has been referred to by a multitude of names throughout history. It was once known as the Stone Of 1000 Lights in Australia. According to folklore from Asia, it was known as the “Stone of Hope.” The Romans dubbed it Patronus furum, or Patron Of Thieves, since it was believed that anyone who wore Blue Opal wrapped in a bay leaf could become invisible.

Blue Peru Opal and Blue Andean Opal are other names for this gemstone.

Blue Opal is said to be a healer of broken relationships, shattered hearts, and intimacy troubles. You’ll be able to overcome the old patterns that keep you repeating the same errors in love.

For those with an entrepreneurial spirit, the qualities of Blue Opal may even raise their chances of prosperity via improved understanding, improved connections, and the capacity to generate new and imaginative ideas.

Clearly, the color blue opal connotes many different things to many individuals. Give it a go and see for yourself how beneficial it may be!

Blue Opal Healing Properties

Blue Opal is far more than its magnificent beauty. It is a stone that healers have utilized for years due to its amazing therapeutic capabilities and benefits. Due to its calming vibrations and propensity to promote confidence and self-expression, it is an excellent stone for emotional recovery. Additionally, blue opal is regarded for its many physical, spiritual, and metaphysical properties.

It has a multitude of applications, and you may find your own unique ones along your healing path.

The physical benefits of Blue Opal

While many individuals are informed that Blue Opal may be an effective tool for emotional and spiritual healing, they may be unaware that it is also used for physical healing.

Natural healers have relied on the ability of Blue Opal to treat a broad range of bodily ailments for generations. This stone has been employed in a variety of ways, either alone or in an elixir.

Blue Opal is often utilized by practitioners who work with patients who suffer from chronic exhaustion. This stone is supposed to relieve tiredness, promote iron and mineral absorption, and boost metabolism.

Blue Opal is often utilized to accelerate healing and detoxify the body. Some women report that Blue Opal helps them cope with menstruation and delivery discomfort.

This therapeutic stone is also utilized by senior citizens to enhance memory, promote hair growth, and aid in the fight against hair loss. Cataracts and other vision problems may be alleviated with the use of Blue Opal in an elixir.

The emotional benefits of Blue Opal

Many individuals are unaware of how intimately tied emotional health is to physical, spiritual, and even metaphysical wellness. Once you’ve addressed your emotional difficulties, which we all have, you should see improvements in other areas. Blue Opal is a potent ally in the struggle against all the emotional impediments. We suggest seeking counsel from an experienced natural healer before doing any kind of emotional healing therapy.

Relationships and intimacy are often tough topics for many individuals. These issues are often the result of past trauma, a lack of self-worth, and an inability to make sound judgments.

Try Blue Opal if this seems like something you’d be interested in trying out. Many individuals discover that they are able to let go of past toxic sentiments and traumas, improve their self-esteem, and break free from old habits that obstruct the development of love relationships. There is a possibility that you’ll have less anxiety about being intimate and more freedom to express yourself freely.

The spiritual benefits of Blue Opal

For ages, practitioners of natural medicine have been aware of the incredible spiritual benefits and therapeutic capabilities of Blue Opal. This stone is great if you want to build a stronger connection with your higher self. Grab it and hold on tight. Blue Opal has the ability to transport you to spiritual realms you never imagined existed.

What are some of the advantages of blue opal as a tool for spiritual exploration? Many individuals report heightened psychic ability and a marked spiritual awakening after dealing with this stone.

The Blue Opal Chakras

Maintaining open and balanced chakras is critical for general wellness. Chakra-resonant healing stones may help you direct your energy toward a certain chakra.

If you are experiencing worry and despair, or are having difficulty speaking with people, it is possible that your throat chakra is malfunctioning. Blue Opal’s calming meaning and characteristics are ideal for conquering these crippling feelings. In case you feel as if your ability to communicate with higher entities and use your intuition has slowed down, try this for third eye practice.

The most effective technique to use Blue Opal for chakra therapy is to keep it in your hand during your meditation session. Intentionally connect to these chakras while you complete this exercise. Healing will take time, and patience will be required. In every meditation session with your stone, your connection to it becomes stronger and stronger.

Blue Opal zodiac sign

Did you know that healing gems are associated with the zodiac? While any stone may be worn by someone born under any sign of the zodiac, certain stones are believed to have a greater link to specific signs.

Due to the opal’s significance as the birthstone for October, and Libra’s position as an October-born sign, it’s simple to see why it’s the birthstone for Libra. However, what about the signs of Cancer and Taurus? Blue Opal has a lot of water in it, which makes it a good stone for people who are water signs. Blue Opal is also linked to the star Aludra, which is in the constellation Cancer. Taurus moon sign individuals will benefit from the link of Blue Opal to the lunar cycle.

Blue Opal’s transforming energy may assist Cancers in letting go of their bitterness and bad emotions. If you wear Blue Opal as a birthstone for Taurus, you’ll have a deeper appreciation for beauty, a stronger sense of relationships, and a higher chance of monetary success. Blue Opal is said to bolster and intensify a Libra’s desire for justice and balance.

This magnificent healing stone may be used by anybody who has a strong connection to Blue Opal, regardless of whether they were born under one of these zodiac signs.

What is the Crystal Structure of Blue Opal gemstone?

While blue opal is quite beneficial when worn alone, its symbolism and therapeutic abilities are often boosted when worn in conjunction with another stone. Blue Opal’s vibrations are very peaceful and calming, which makes it simple to discover a perfect match. Almost every problem may be solved using one of the many possible combinations available on the internet.

For instance, if you want to increase your clairvoyance, you may combine Blue Opal with Fire Opal, Herkimer Diamond, or Indigo Gabbro. Some believe that working with gemstones such as Lapis Lazuli, Orange Calcite, or Moonstone may improve your psychic awareness and intuition even more. Consider Topaz, Garden Quartz, or Dolomite for dream work.

Turquoise, Emerald, Chrysoprase, and Clear Quartz are all therapeutic stones that are often mixed with Blue Opal. The pairings discussed in this section are only a sampling of the many conceivable combinations. We suggest seeing a healer to determine the optimal mix for your specific requirements.

How to Identify Blue Opal by Sight?

Clarity Saturation Color Blue opal is typically black or dark blue This gemstone may exhibit white, green, yellowish-brown or very light to medium blue properties Note by the crystal structure in an opal that has cleavage , it can actually have vertical internal fractures within it Clear black.

How much does the Blue Opal cost?

Opal gemstone prices have gone up in the past year and blue opal gemstone prices have also increased. As of Jan 19, 2014 blue opal gemstones cost between $175 per carat (Cs) to over $800 per Cs depending on factors such as color clarity, shape, size and quality.

What Are the Differences Between White Opal and Blue Opal?

White opal gemstone and blue opal are both visually stunning, but they differ in color and composition. White opals possess a milky base with vibrant flashes of various colors, while blue opals exhibit a striking blue hue. White opal gemstones often exhibit a greater play of colors, making them highly sought after in jewelry.

How to take care of the Blue Opal?

It’s critical to recognize that when you pick a healing stone, you’re entering into a very unique connection. Your stone will put in the effort to look after you, but you must also put in the time and effort to care for your stone.

Your Blue Opal’s need for cleansing will become clearer as you develop a deeper contact with it. Cleaning your stone is a simple process that should be enjoyable for both you and your rock. Blue Opal is a fragile stone, thus any washing processes used should be mild.

Running your Blue Opal under a moderate stream of cold water is one of the easiest methods to wash it. Never use soaps, salt water, or very hot water on this sensitive stone. It should be rubbed dry with a gentle, dry towel.

Blue Opal may also be cleansed using a cluster of quartz or quartz pieces in a dish. Allow at least six hours for your stone to absorb the quartz, but we recommend leaving it overnight. This cleaning approach is completely safe to use on a daily basis.

Additionally, you may smudge your Blue Opal with sage smoke or use a tuning fork to purify it. Bear in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all method for cleaning your stone. Select the technique that seems most natural at the moment.

Charging and sanitizing your stone are nearly as critical. As is the case with most healing stones, the strength of Blue Opal’s therapeutic abilities diminishes over time. Placing it in the moonlight is an excellent method to charge it. If you can, let it stay overnight. It should stay there for at least six hours.

Final thoughts

Blue Opal’s meaning is all about regaining a feeling of serenity and confidence in order to improve your life. Although this is difficult for many individuals, this stone may assist.

Kindly notify us if you have any more queries that were not addressed in the tutorial above. We are always delighted to serve our devoted readers!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is blue opal a real stone?

This is a difficult question to answer, as there is no one definitive answer. In general, blue opal is a gemstone that is composed of opal and turquoise. While it is possible to find natural blue opals, they are not as common as green or brown opals. In fact, most blue opals that are sold in the market are man-made.

Is blue opal valuable?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the value of blue opal depends on a variety of factors, including location and color. However, blue opal is generally considered to be a valuable stone due to its rarity, beauty, and spiritual significance. It is also one of the most sensitive stones to the environment, so it is important to take care of it if you choose to own one.

What are the rarest colors of opal?

Black opal is the darkest form of opal and is the most rare. It is made from the inclusion of manganese and other minerals in the opal. Blue opal is a lighter blue color and is often found in transparent forms. Colorless opal is the most common form of opal and is usually light in color, but can also be shades of yellow, green, and brown.

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